Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region: Announcements 2024-06-04T08:21:38+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"><span class="S1PPyQ"><strong>14th International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region (ICSAR 2024)</strong><br />Hosted By: Univesitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia<br />Available for Offline and Online Conference (Hybrid)</span></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug">We are all on the committee and very appreciative of all participants and speakers. Now we close registration as Presenter/Speaker. Now, we only accept registration as Participants.</p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug">Please register by this link.</p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"><a title="Register as Participants" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"> </p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug">1. <a href="">Register</a></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug">2. <a href="">Log In</a></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug">Website: <a href=""></a></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"><span class="S1PPyQ">e-ISSN: 2964-8963</span></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"><strong><span class="S1PPyQ">Announcement:</span></strong></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"><span class="S1PPyQ">ICSAR 14th registration extended until May 9, 2024(<strong>no extension</strong>). For authors and participants who have created an account, please complete the registration before the last day of registration.</span></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"><span class="S1PPyQ">Inclusive education has become a discussion in the global community. The involvement of the global community in the success of education and learning that is student-friendly, environmentally friendly, and learning-friendly is needed. Therefore, inclusive education has undergone many changes and advances in the education system in Southeast Asia in particular and the world in general. Until now, inclusive education has grown and established itself in providing the widest possible opportunity and space for students with special needs to stand equal to other students so that they can become an active part of society and the country.</span></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"><span class="S1PPyQ">However, it can’t be denied that the practice of special education still needs various improvements in various aspects. This condition is a challenge for Special Education to continue to develop and adapt to respond to challenges in the future. To answer these challenges requires research, publication, innovation, and creativity as well as an accommodation based on the needs of the community, educators, educational staff, and students.</span></p> <p class="ok-Wdg vZU7QQ RVfbug"><span class="S1PPyQ">The International Conference on Special Education in the Southeast Asian Region (ICSAR) is one of the answers to the requirements for the growth of special education in Southeast Asia. This conference will bring together academics and experts from around the world to collaborate to create a safe and comfortable environment for people with special needs in Southeast Asia.</span></p> Upload Presentation Parallel Session ICSAR 2024 2024-06-04T08:21:38+00:00 Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region <p>Dear author of parallel session,</p> <p>We inform you that all parallel session authors are expected to upload a presentation (power point) according to the title of the paper that has been submitted. <br />You can download the presentation template at the following link <strong></strong>.</p> <p>Furthermore, you are expected to upload the PPT on the following link <strong>https://UNS.ID/KUMPULPPTICSAR2024 by June 5, 2024</strong>.</p> <p>Thank you.</p> 2024-06-04T08:21:38+00:00 ICSAR 14th Announcement 2024-05-28T03:26:33+00:00 Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region <p>Dear author and participant,</p> <p>We announce that the ICSAR 14th rundown, parallel sessions and the list of participants are posted on the website. Please confirm no later than May 29.</p> <p>last confirmation of attendance on May 29, 2024 at</p> 2024-05-28T03:26:33+00:00 ICSAR 14th Attandance Form 2024-05-14T04:10:22+00:00 Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region <div><strong>Dear all authors and all participants,</strong></div> <div>We would like to remind all presenter &amp; participant to fill out again the attendance form on the following link: <strong></strong></div> <div> </div> <div>last form filling out, May 15, 2024. </div> 2024-05-14T04:10:22+00:00 Reminder for ICSAR'14 Participant & Author 2024-04-17T06:25:15+00:00 Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region <p>Dear all authors and all participants,<br />We would like to remind Authors who have not yet submitted Full Paper to do so as soon as possible, no later than April 24, 2024.</p> <p>for authors or participants have submitted after April 12, 2024. Please pay the registration fee:<br /><strong>Author Student: 450.000</strong><br /><strong>Author Non-Student: 850.000</strong><br /><strong>Participant: 150.000<br /></strong><br /><strong>for all authors if you want to add a presenter</strong>, there is an <strong>additional fee of 350,000</strong> (get the same facilities as the first presenter).</p> <p>Please for<strong> all participants (Author &amp; Participant ICSAR 14th)</strong> fill out the attendance form on the following link: <strong>until May 9, 2024.</strong> </p> 2024-04-17T06:25:15+00:00 Reminder for ICSAR'14 Participant & Author 2024-04-02T02:16:18+00:00 Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region <p>Dear all author and all participant,<br />We would like to remind Authors who have not yet submitted Full Paper to do so as soon as possible, no later than April 24, 2024<br />there is a registration flow that needs to be understood:<br />Participants/authors register at the link: <a href=""></a><br />Participants/authors "register" or "login” (if they have already registered)<br />On the your account page, participants/authors please submission your role by select the category and "section" according to what will be registered:<br />1. Author non Student<br />2. Author Student<br />3. Participant<br />4. Poster non Student<br />5. Student Poster<br />Next, if you only<br /><strong>As participants or poster</strong> please click submission without uploading any files, while<br /><strong>for authors</strong> please complete ojs such as title, author, upload articles then click submission.<br /><strong>note for authors</strong>: please upload the full article (not just the abstract)</p> <p>deadline for article submission: <strong>April 24, 2024</strong><br />payment deadline:<strong> June 1, 2024</strong><br />payment can be made: <strong>REKENING BNI : a.n DEWI SRI REJEKI (1185181453)</strong><br />Proof of payment sent to email: <a href=""></a></p> <p>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peserta/author mendaftar pada link: <a href=""></a><br />Peserta/author melakukan "register" atau "login"(apabila sudah pernah melakukan pendaftaran)<br />Pada halaman selanjutnya, peserta/author silahkan memilih kategori atau "section" sesuai dengan yang akan didaftar:<br />1. Author non Student<br />2. Author Student<br />3. Participant<br />4. Poster non Student<br />5. Poster Student<br />selanjutnya,<br /><strong>untuk partisipan</strong> silahkan klik submission tanpa mengunggah file apapun, sedangkan<br /><strong>untuk author</strong> silahkan melengkapi ojs seperti judul, penulis, unggah artikel lalu klik submission<br /><strong>catatan untuk author</strong>: silahkan mengunggah full artikel (bukan abstrak saja)</p> <p>batas waktu submission artikel: 24<strong> April 2024</strong><br />batas waktu pembayaran : <strong>1 Juni 2024</strong><br />pembayaran dapat dilakukan: <strong>REKENING BNI : a.n DEWI SRI REJEKI (1185181453)</strong><br />Bukti pembayaran dikirimkan ke email : <a href=""></a></p> 2024-04-02T02:16:18+00:00 Reminder Fullpaper 2024-02-28T14:31:10+00:00 Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Dear all author and all participant,</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We would like to remind Authors who have not yet submitted Full Paper to do so as soon as possible, no later than </span><strong>April 9, 2024</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">. <br />In addition, please for all authors who have "registered" to select the criteria that will be followed in the "section":<br /></span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">1. Author Student</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. Author Non-Student</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. Participant</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">4. Poster Student</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">5. Poster Non-Student</span></p> <p>Please ignore this message if you have already submitted and selected your section.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2024-02-28T14:31:10+00:00