Reminder for ICSAR'14 Participant & Author


Dear all author and all participant,
We would like to remind Authors who have not yet submitted Full Paper to do so as soon as possible, no later than April 24, 2024
there is a registration flow that needs to be understood:
Participants/authors register at the link:
Participants/authors "register" or "login” (if they have already registered)
On the your account page, participants/authors please submission your role by select the category and "section" according to what will be registered:
1. Author non Student
2. Author Student
3. Participant
4. Poster non Student
5. Student Poster
Next, if you only
As participants or poster please click submission without uploading any files, while
for authors please complete ojs such as title, author, upload articles then click submission.
note for authors: please upload the full article (not just the abstract)

deadline for article submission: April 24, 2024
payment deadline: June 1, 2024
payment can be made: REKENING BNI : a.n DEWI SRI REJEKI (1185181453)
Proof of payment sent to email:

Peserta/author mendaftar pada link:
Peserta/author melakukan "register" atau "login"(apabila sudah pernah melakukan pendaftaran)
Pada halaman selanjutnya, peserta/author silahkan memilih kategori atau "section" sesuai dengan yang akan didaftar:
1. Author non Student
2. Author Student
3. Participant
4. Poster non Student
5. Poster Student
untuk partisipan silahkan klik submission tanpa mengunggah file apapun, sedangkan
untuk author silahkan melengkapi ojs seperti judul, penulis, unggah artikel lalu klik submission
catatan untuk author: silahkan mengunggah full artikel (bukan abstrak saja)

batas waktu submission artikel: 24 April 2024
batas waktu pembayaran : 1 Juni 2024
pembayaran dapat dilakukan: REKENING BNI : a.n DEWI SRI REJEKI (1185181453)
Bukti pembayaran dikirimkan ke email :