Inclusive Education in Early Childhood: Assessing Implementation in Pekanbaru Through The Ainscow Inclusion Index


  • Nita Harini Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Achmad Hufad UPI, Bandung, Indonesia



Inclusive Education, Early Childhood, Index Inclusion


The implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia since 2002 has provided opportunities for all students, including those with special needs, to receive education in their nearest schools. Indonesian government regulations explicitly state that schools cannot reject students due to their disabilities. Consequently, schools across Indonesia, including those in Pekanbaru, have begun admitting students with special needs. However, challenges arise as the implementation of inclusive education varies among schools based on their understanding and perceptions. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the extent of inclusive education implementation at the preschool level in Pekanbaru using the Ainscow Inclusion Index. This study analyzes 12 preschools in Pekanbaru in serving students with special needs, providing a comprehensive overview of the inclusive culture, policies, and practices in the city.


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How to Cite

Harini, N., & Hufad, A. (2024). Inclusive Education in Early Childhood: Assessing Implementation in Pekanbaru Through The Ainscow Inclusion Index. Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region, 3(1), 377–386.