Increasing the Learning Independence of Students Experiencing Learning Difficulties Through the Peer-Mediated PJBL Model


  • Budi Hermawan
  • Achmad Hufad
  • Endang Rochyadi
  • Sunardi Sunardi
  • Ana Fatimatuzzahra
  • Andayani Ratnawati



Learning independence, Learning difficulties, inclusive education, Project based learning


Learning Independence is the ability of students to regulate themselves in learning. Project-based learning mediated by peers is a learning innovation in an inclusive setting to accommodate the diverse learning needs of students by fostering student independence. The purpose of this study was to reveal the effect of project-based learning on the learning independence of students with learning disabilities. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and observations. This research involved 9 schools in West Java. The results showed that peer-mediated project-based learning affected increasing children's learning independence, especially for children with learning difficulties in mathematics. The results of this study can be used as a reference in the implementation of learning mathematics to foster learning independence.


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How to Cite

Hermawan, B., Hufad, A., Rochyadi, E., Sunardi, S., Fatimatuzzahra, A., & Ratnawati, A. (2024). Increasing the Learning Independence of Students Experiencing Learning Difficulties Through the Peer-Mediated PJBL Model. Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region, 2(1), 317–324.

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